I love the morning breeze whipping past as we cut through the warm air! On our way to a place where you never know what you might see. Every day holds a new possibility to blow your mind one more time. Today the marine layer is thick it cast dull Grey on a normally blue and white capped sea. AS we ride past you can barely see the waves you know to be there speckled with surfers looking to catch a break. Today a business man out for his morning run with his freshly bought Starbucks stops at a struggling young homeless kid trying to juggle. He has dropped ball after ball. I cannot hear but see the man still holding his fresh bought mocha latte take the 2 bright yellow balls in one hand an through them in the air to juggle teaching the kid all while still holding his cup. Today I see the multimillion dollar beach front vacation rentals with people out sipping their morning cup or grandmothers out watching the children playing with the foam noodles...I know they wishing if only their vacation could last just a few more days. I am wishing as well to live here forever. I pass the shopkeepers opening up shop out sweeping a patio layered with the sand that surrounds them. I pass the oh so fine life guards prepping their gear for the sure to be busy day. I arrive at the end of the board walk to come upon the always reliable volleyball girls today sporting their rash guards and itty bitty bikini bottoms. I turn around to a sun trying it's best to beat back the fog. It is working as I ride the sun becomes stronger and brighter and I am wishing I had not worn jeans for this wonderful ride. Passing the Pacific Beach pier you still can barely see the cottages on the end. Your starting to be able to see the surfers more clearly and the beach goers scattered along the shore. It such a magical place it is only 9:20am and it is already littered with people just trying to catch some of the wonderfulness that is Pacific Beach! Arriving again at the other end of the boardwalk. You can actually see the bright strong sun winning the war against the fog. In amazement we just have to stop and capture this moment to share with everyone who might care about this awesome mother earth's natural beauty!

On our way home the people are more fun to watch then anything else. We ride the sidewalks never sure of what insane beautiful crazy unreal absolutely amazing thing you might see. We a Tandum bike built for two with the cutest old people who no doubt are still madly in love peddling as fast as they can. We come across twoo beautiful women standing outside a small cafe with the smell of coffee all around locked in a loving embrace. Crying brushing the hair back from one anothers face kissing one last time before they break for who knows maybe the last time. Homeless men who say hello and nod their heads.
It is such an amazing world to discover. It is my front yard. It is my home. It is where I belong!