We have been so sick here this month. I hope when April ends the sickness will to. Dillon got sick right in the beginning of April and has been fighting it every since. Breanna and I followed. It has take 3 antibiotics and hopefully he will get better now. Turns out mine is just allergy's. It is so pretty in So Cal right now. Flowers are everywhere. However it with it and the dry air I have been so congested and just nasty. Spitting the sickest crap out. I hope it is better and I can get on with my life. I have not worked out since last Monday and it's freaking Sunday night. I feel like a cow even though I am technically down a pound.
On another note We had our halfway party and It was great. I met alot of great people off the ship and I just enjoy being around people who know the kinds of things I am going through and those women do more then anyone. We had such a good time. I wore my fancy earrings my wonderful husband sent me from Kagoshima Japan so of corse I had to dress up to match them and I felt like I looked really good. I just can't get over my new self and I am not sure what it will take for me to believe that it is actually me in those pics. I think I had just gotten so use to the idea of being heavy for so long that now it is hard for me to believe it. Even Steve was amazed at the pics and said it didn't look like me...in a good way lol.
Today we went to the beach with some friends and had such a good time. I bought a new bathing suit bottom and it was a freaking medium lol. Though I still think my hips are better left covered lol. So it is a skirt thing but still. I am hesitant to post it on here but if freaking everyone on the beach can see it why can't my followers? So here ya go.