Steve came home July 2 and life has been perfect. Their really wasn't any big adjustment it was pretty much like he never had left. It was amazing of coarse I had, had time with him in Hawaii but even Dillon and Breanna acted as though he had just always been here. I think just proving how close knit our little family is. We have been staying very busy doing things like seaworld and dinner with shamu. Soak city and the beach and just being together. It really has been so wonderful and I am not exaggerating.
I had gotten a new couch before Steve came home and I had tried to keep it a secret but I have a big mouth and told him and sent him pictures and my husband being his ever reliable self got upset and said he didn't want a new couch and he wished I had talked with him and blah blah. The truth is he just doesn't like change which is kinda odd given our navy life but things he can help he doesn't like to change. Well, anyway back to it...he now loves our couch. It has in a way brought our love and sweetness out even more. We pile pillows up in the corner and each lay on a side of it and our heads will be close and it is just our new cuddle position. It is comfortable and sweet and I absolutely treasure it.
I am truly the luckiest girl. My husband is the sweetest man, the greatest father and my best friend and I am so blessed to have him back home where he belongs. Everyday we have together is so precious to me and I am not taking one of them for granted. With duty days being every 4 days now it certainly helps not taking them for granted. Like tonight I am sitting here by myself watching some chick movie wishing he was here cuddling with me on the couch. I just love him so very much.
On another note we will be flying home in a week. Yes the east coast is still home. Despite how much we love California and how much we seem to fit in...the east coast has Krystals and Sonnys and our favorite Japanese steakhouses and Zaxbys and most importantly our family. We are very excited about coming home. I am a bit nervous flying with Breanna but will be giving her some sleepy goodness. It will be a bit odd being back there but I am really excited. I love the beach but I am craving the Hawaissi like I have for the past 3 years. It just doesn't seem like summer without a trip to Richie's and being on that river. Seems odd but I miss that so much.
I am also really hopeful to see some of Steve's family that live in North Carolina and letting the kids play together. I really want our little girls to get together and share bunnies LOL.
Ok well that is enough from me right now. Til next time.

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