Dillon has been sick since Saturday evening. I really had no intention of taking him to the doctor. He is old enough to tough a cold out but it kept getting worse. His eye are leaking green gooup and so is his nose and he still has a fever. Dillon really has not been very sick since his like 1st birthday and even now if you ask him if he is sick he says no. So I had to take him to the doctor today. Turns out he has a double ear infection and bacteria infecting his eyes. She prescribed him antibiotics. She said he would not be able to attend his first swim lesson tonight and ofcorse I am bummed. I sold some things off craiglist and so had to meet the ppl and had to rush from the doctor to meet the girl and she wanted to meet at mcdonalds. So i ate mcdonalds cause there is no taking dillon to a mcdonalds and not letting him eat and play anyway I don't get to workout today or tomorrow cause of Dillons illness and ate mcdonalds and uggh. I have also had problems with my renters and it has seemed to work its self out but not without causing fear and stress. I am trying to get things planned and done for Breannas party and a friend had to cancel cause of Dillon illness which i totally understand but it still sucks lol. Email is down on the ship. and OH MY GOD I JUST WANT TO SCREAM lol. when it all comes down it all comes down lol.
On the upside...the renters are paying their rent! I loved the new doctor i am taking the kids to now. I made some extra money. I let Dillon pick out a present for Breanna and he got her something cute but also picked out her wrapping paper and insisted on the big pink bow and helped me wrap it and was super cute about it. Breanna is not sick the doctor said her ears were fine. So things aren't that bad but it has been stressful up to this point and I always end up in a funk when email is down. Makes me see just how much I depend on Steve.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday = 3 hours of working out!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
So on Mondays Dillon has school and Breanna and I go to SS. Dillon gets out of school at 11:30 and I am going to attempt to get us all to the Y and checked in oh and they have to had lunch by 12. lol Some days I make it some days I fail miserably. I found if i let them eat a sandwich in the car our odds are a bit better.
I have sat at home all weekend and got alot of stuff done but I hate sitting here and I have not had any vampire books to read so life has just been sucky.
I am trying to prepare for Breanna's birthday it is not to far away her party is Saturday and her brithday is Wendsday. I am going out of the way to make it great because there is so much she doesn't get that Dillon did. However I may be biting off more then I can chew. The thing is you never know how many people will show up and so usually you end up with no one or to many lol. we will see I just want ti to be special for her since her daddy can't be here.
I have sat at home all weekend and got alot of stuff done but I hate sitting here and I have not had any vampire books to read so life has just been sucky.
I am trying to prepare for Breanna's birthday it is not to far away her party is Saturday and her brithday is Wendsday. I am going out of the way to make it great because there is so much she doesn't get that Dillon did. However I may be biting off more then I can chew. The thing is you never know how many people will show up and so usually you end up with no one or to many lol. we will see I just want ti to be special for her since her daddy can't be here.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Journal entry dated March 3, 2002
I want to go back where I belong. The sun is so bright and oh so warm the water is blue and it's cold and there's sharks, but lots of surfers their so totally radical. The sand feels great between your toes. Flowers are always in bloom and there's a sweet fragrance lingering in the air...it's jasmine, it's in bloom and floats over the town putting it in a soft sweet bubble. The people there are totally weird, there are lots of bugs (freaks or runaways or homeless) but they are totally funny to watch. It's peaceful in certain spots and ridiculous in others but in the quiet you can still hear the hustle and bustle of the thriving city below. everything is on a hill and you can see stars even in the daylight...they are always shining. See I belong there, it's my home, my special place.
Can you guess where I was talking about all those years ago????
Can you guess where I was talking about all those years ago????
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I have alot to BLOG about today so read on...
The first thing I wanna talk about is how tired I am of being the MAN around the house...Yesterday I cut the back yard. No big deal I actually enjoy doing it. I am in the beautiful So Cal sun and getting a little extra workout. So I enjoy it until I run over the freaking sprinkler head and yank it completely out of the ground with parts flying every where and the spring still attached to the blade. So then today I go to move my husbands car from the street where it had been parked on Friday. The freaking battery is dead again. This is like the 4th time since he has deployed and he said I would only have to start it and let it run for a while and I do more then that. I drive usually once a week I even bought Breanna another carseat to go in it cause I love the mazda and it is HOT compared to my mini van lol. Well so I have to jump it and then I am like i need to nip this in the bud so I make sure the connections to the battery are on tight. I even used tools. Then I remembered someone told me his amp could be running down the battery so I call my wonderful all knowing about cars EX brother in law MIKE and he walks me though disconnecting the amp. I had to pull the fuse out of the thingy and I had to unscrew these thingys and then I had to screw them back and in the mean time one of the thingys slides down and I have to put MY hand in side this tight little dirty spot and try and reach it and UGGH I AM DONE BEING THE MAN...BOTH THE CARS NEED OIL CHANGES AND GOD HELP THE MECHANIC WHO TRYS TO SCREW ME ON THAT...CAUSE HE WILL FEEL MY WRATH!
Ok on to the next topic. I am working my butt off exercising 2-3 hours daily except for Sunday. I love it...what else do I have to do. I am only 13 pounds from my goal weight and I am not even half way though this deployment. Not only that I am getting toned. I have muscle where I have never had muscle. I am not nor have I ever been a physical girl. I don't and didn't play sports. I was inside watching and talking to all the hot boys who did those kinds of things. So I am quite proud of myself. I am loving my new body and the adrenaline rush from working out...cause I sure ain't getting it anywhere else lol. So today at the Y which I have been going to religiously since oh um last week sometime. My Ipod dies my Ipod that my wonderful all knowing husband got me for Christmas and I say this cause it is my second one. The first one is one of the first generations and like a brick and not durable at all. So this one he got me is HOT PINK and is awesome it is only loaded with Itunes music and well it ROCKS. IO don't know where I would be in my weight loss with out it. So it is dead and I am like uggh. So I am in the middle of doing my hip abductions and I am like ya know I wonder if these machines will work with my Ipod and charge it...cause nothing else does besides plugging it into the computer. None of the car things I have will charge it or my radios so I am really doubtful these machines will. My Ipod is just to new. SO I hop back onto the elliptical and plug it in. Ok so not only does the machine charge it but it saves my freaking workout to my Ipod so I can monitor what I am doing and come home and get on Nikeplus.com and track it all. OMG ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS. How cool is that. I mean really that is so neat. I have not been on nikeplus yet but I just was so happy it charged it and then I was able to control it from the machines touchscreen and then it saved my workout just unreal.
The other really good news it Jesse McCartney's How Do You Sleep is finally being released on April 7th so I can finally DL that after trying to forever. Plus Steve is pulling in to port soon and I am banking on seeing him on cam and man life just is great.
My friend Ricky told me today how my husband is a lucky man for having me and I wrote him back and just have to say it here to...That I am the lucky one. Steve sleeps in a hole with gas pipes all around him and apparently it has been so hot down there he isn't even able to sleep anymore just to give me and the kids this wonderful amazing lifestyle we have. It helps to that he enjoys it and likes to go to the different places and stuff but still. He is awesome and I AM THE LUCKY ONE!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Trying to stay positive!
I feel like I am at a stand still with my weight loss even though I still work really hard. I have been super hungry for the past 2 weeks and It has made things hard. I have added more to my work out schedule though by joining the Y and now I am trying to go there everyday. I feel like I can't take Dillon to stroller strides anymore so the Y was my alternative but I am still doing Stroller Strides 3 times a week with just Breanna.
I am busy planning Breanna's 1st birthday party and that is a chore. She is so grown up it nearly breaks my heart. Especially knowing she is my last little baby.
Steve is in Guam soon and this morning he called me...he is going to visit some friends of ours who are stationed there and is staying with them to. So this morning he calls me. I was still asleep but got up and answered it I asked what he was doing he said he just couldn't sleep and was missing me....awww! Then he said plus i wanted to make sure you didn't do anything stupid. I was like what are you talking about. He didn't want to tell me but i finally got it out of him. He was worried I was gonna try and go see him. Worried i book a flight and fly over there. Truthfully the thought had never even occurred to me and I want to kick myself for that. I would have loved to have done that but we don't have the money anyway but I feel like i should have at least thought of it. He said he had checked on flights already and they were like 2000 dollars. so it would have been impossible but It made me happy to know he looked cause I think had it not been so expensive I think he would of told me to come and that makes me happy. Corse everything he does makes me happy. It makes me happy he just called me. He sent me the sweetest email the other day. Saying how besides our wedding day and the day the kids were born homecoming would be the happiest day of his life so far. It made my heart soar! He can be so sweet and romantic when he wants to be.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Oh just gettin on
Well so life has just been chuggin right along. Time is going by fast usually and most of time like today I realize it is Wednesday and it is all ready a week since last Wednesday. That doesn't even make sense but it is just how my life has been going. we are in a very good routine and doing so has time going by. Which is good cause everyday gone is a day closer to him.
I am still losing weight and even though I am not at my goal I feel like i am cause my main goal was to fit in the stack of old jeans I have and guess what I do. However I am continuing to lose and continuing to go to Stroller Strides. I am also working on getting tanned. LOL i know who would have ever thought I would be trying to get tan...but I am and I love it. I love sitting out with my Ipod feeling the hot sun on my skin. Thinking about Steve. I am always thinking about Steve. It is actually kinda sad how much I think about Steve and I am pretty sure I am obsessed. Every minute of everyday he is on my mind. it is unhealthy I am sure.
I wish going to the beach wasn't so hard and such a chore or I would be there right now. I haven't eaten at all today...that isn't good but I forgot until just now lmao.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009

I am going to stroller strides then hittin up subway since Dillon loves a meatball sandwich lol and then taking the kids to sea world. On Steve's suggestion cause yesterday I was a bit bummed over the whole deployment so he said I needed to go to sea world today to get out of the funk so I am. I also am hoping I get the package from him I am waiting on...I have never checked the mail so much lol. I am also hoping he will find internet connection today and be able to web cam with us. Thank god for technology I don't know how I would make it though if i wasn't able to see his smile as much as i have been this deployment. My husband is my whole life and inspite of everything that must still go on when he is away..Breanna's birthday...anniversarys...my birthday and his...Dillon's birthday and on and on. It always feels as though my life is on hold until he is back by myside. I am constantly holding my breath waiting on him to get home in order to breath freely again.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
How do I do it....

Recently the question was asked of me...The only thing I said was because I have to! This question en particularx was how do I go shopping with 2 kids by myself. Answer because I have to. I have no family to watch them and I can't afford to pay a baby sitter just so I can go shopping lol. Then today I was asked mind you it is only 8:23 am here and I have all ready been asked how I do it. I am taking my kids to Stroller Strides then to the Zoo. My friend asked how I do it...saying she would need a week of recovery after watching 4 kids by herself for 4 days...but not me oh no The first day I don't have 4 kids I am out shopping and the next day the Zoo. lol It has never occurred to me to slow down or stay at home. I don't like sitting at home when I could be out walking around being active and in the sunny So Cal sun. My mother in law has asked me several times how I do it saying I always seem to be going some where or doing something and she is right. I AM! My husband and I when we moved here or really when we decided to have kids decided they would have a very active life and see things we never saw and do things we never got to do. We have lived up to this I think without even realizing it. My kids have seen The white house in Washington, waterfalls in the hills of Tennessee and the grand canyon and the hang gliders up off the cliffs of La Jolla and driven up the coast to the Santa Monica Pier! We are constantly going, constantly exploring and constantly showing them the other things life has to offer. I feel very proud when people ask me how I do it because it means I am exceeding in mine and my wonderful husbands goal!
Monday, March 9, 2009
My Weekend and Monday

So I was watching my friends kids this weekend while they were in Cancun. My kids loved having them and they seemed to love being here. I did sense them feeling homesick but they didn't say anything. We did something everyday because having 4 kids is not gonna slow me down lol and make me miss out on wonderful SO CAL. The first day we did bubbles and sprinkler in the back yard and I got to lay out in the warm sun. Then we went to the park right behind my house and they played while i skated in the little figure 8. Yes I said skate I am a 25 year old mother of 2 and I love the work out skating gives me. It kicks my butt every time I do it. I know my neighbors who can see me are probably in there houses laughing at me and the only thing that keeps me going is the thought of my smaller butt lol. On Saturday we went to The Hub on Point Loma Naval Base it is one of my favorite places here. They do free kids movies on Saturday morning in this cute tiny theater and we are always the only ones there so my kids can be crazy and no one is there to care. Plus I get to be around sailors and I love being around sailors.
On to today cause it has just been so crazy...My friend came to get the kids this morning at 6:30am which normally would be our normal waking hour but with this time difference we were all still sound asleep. However my internal alarm clock went off right as she pulled by the house lol...I love my alarm clock. SO she tok the kids and somehow we got em out with out waking mine. When we did get up we got dressed cause we were suppose to do a Video Teleconference with Steve on 32nd street base at the family support group center. SO I get myself and the kids dressed all cute and we are all excited to see Steve and we get there I haul em up the stairs and I notice I am the only one there. I figure it is just cause I am early like I am always early but I was early last time and there was still people there but oh well I wait. Come 9:52 when my appointment was at 10 I call the ombudsman and guess what it is NEXT MONDAY. UGGH...All that for nothing. So then I haul the kids across the parking lot to the tricare building because that has been crazy as well and I had to change my PCM doctor and they made me go in there just to sign a paper even though I could have done it over the phone 5 days ago but hey there policy changes on a hourly basis...just whatever TRICARE WHATEVER. So I get that done and I go to old navy but not before Breanna starts crying for food. SO we go to jack in the box we all get cheese burgers....that's real good for my diet lol but I didn't get a coke I don't even know the last time I had one which if you know me you know how hard that is for me. I got a sprite and didn't even put the straw in. I drank a water I had int he car. SO yay for me...we go to old navy and everything I try on fits and looks good and infact I have to return my bikini top I got cause it is to BIG!!!! I got 12 shirts 4 pairs of flip flops 1 pair of shorts 1 bikini top and 1 cover up and a pair of pj bottoms and cover up and a pair of jeans for Dillon for 150.00. I love them now and I love there sale they got going. Then I went to best buy and bought a carpet cleaner and then I took the kids to toys r us and then I came home and cleaned the carpets and on and on and on. Some of my day has been AWESOME...like Old Navy and how clean my carpets are. Other I just want to cry like not seeing Steve...being at the grocery store tonight when he called and not being able to talk to him for longer then 5 minutes and then him not being able to call me back. The renters calling and saying the AC is broke again and me having to deal with that. UGGH....I guess the point is Life can be great and life can be fun and life can be amazing and then the next minute you can be overwhelmed, let down and stressed and hurt and lonely and on and on and on....
Friday, March 6, 2009

So I bought these jeans like 5 years ago. They are lucky brand and i always wanted a pair cause when you unbuttoned the fly it says lucky you lol. anyway I have not been able to fit in them since way before I got pregnant with my son who will be 4 in July. I have been busting my ass and in less then 2 months I have accomplished something I doubted I ever would. I am hardly close to being done in my weight loss but I cannot believe how well I have done. Go STROLLER STRIDES I could not have done it with out my girls at MISSION BAY.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I am thinking....

of staying out of the sun. I laid out again today trying to get a tan on my white self lol. My arms and face have a nice tan going. It is a mixture of brown pink and freckles lmao. I only have it cause of going to Stroller Strides almost everyday and that is what is exposed all day everyday. I have begun to notice though that my freckles are getting darker and bigger. I don't like that at all but it is either have them or stay out of the sun and wear spf 50 and let them deminish some. What do you think I should do? I took a few pics just now with my webcam to show ya. Let me know what you think I should do.
7 Months
Can You even believe I have lived here like 7 months. WOW...time sure does fly when your having fun. I have made in that short time some really good friends and have seen things I have never seen before in my life. Steve my wonderful husband deployed a while ago and since then thanks to the wonderful outdoor life of sunny San Diego I have lost 20 pounds and am now pre pregnancy weight which I haven't been in over 4 years. I am getting tan which is hard for me cause I am red headed and freckled lol not your typical bleach blonde beach babe for that matter I drive a minivan lol. However I also have my husbands car that is a loaded Mazda 6 with a system and is hot orange color that I can drive to the beach....So what if it has carseats in the back it still looks good. You cannot hide what you are and I am a red headed freckled MOM but I love So Cal and I love the beach and I am so happy in San Diego.
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