of staying out of the sun. I laid out again today trying to get a tan on my white self lol. My arms and face have a nice tan going. It is a mixture of brown pink and freckles lmao. I only have it cause of going to Stroller Strides almost everyday and that is what is exposed all day everyday. I have begun to notice though that my freckles are getting darker and bigger. I don't like that at all but it is either have them or stay out of the sun and wear spf 50 and let them deminish some. What do you think I should do? I took a few pics just now with my webcam to show ya. Let me know what you think I should do.
You emailed this to me and i replied to that! It is your personal choice! If you dont mind them getting dark then go for it, but if you do you can still be outside and wear a ton of sunscreen!