The first thing I wanna talk about is how tired I am of being the MAN around the house...Yesterday I cut the back yard. No big deal I actually enjoy doing it. I am in the beautiful So Cal sun and getting a little extra workout. So I enjoy it until I run over the freaking sprinkler head and yank it completely out of the ground with parts flying every where and the spring still attached to the blade. So then today I go to move my husbands car from the street where it had been parked on Friday. The freaking battery is dead again. This is like the 4th time since he has deployed and he said I would only have to start it and let it run for a while and I do more then that. I drive usually once a week I even bought Breanna another carseat to go in it cause I love the mazda and it is HOT compared to my mini van lol. Well so I have to jump it and then I am like i need to nip this in the bud so I make sure the connections to the battery are on tight. I even used tools. Then I remembered someone told me his amp could be running down the battery so I call my wonderful all knowing about cars EX brother in law MIKE and he walks me though disconnecting the amp. I had to pull the fuse out of the thingy and I had to unscrew these thingys and then I had to screw them back and in the mean time one of the thingys slides down and I have to put MY hand in side this tight little dirty spot and try and reach it and UGGH I AM DONE BEING THE MAN...BOTH THE CARS NEED OIL CHANGES AND GOD HELP THE MECHANIC WHO TRYS TO SCREW ME ON THAT...CAUSE HE WILL FEEL MY WRATH!
Ok on to the next topic. I am working my butt off exercising 2-3 hours daily except for Sunday. I love it...what else do I have to do. I am only 13 pounds from my goal weight and I am not even half way though this deployment. Not only that I am getting toned. I have muscle where I have never had muscle. I am not nor have I ever been a physical girl. I don't and didn't play sports. I was inside watching and talking to all the hot boys who did those kinds of things. So I am quite proud of myself. I am loving my new body and the adrenaline rush from working out...cause I sure ain't getting it anywhere else lol. So today at the Y which I have been going to religiously since oh um last week sometime. My Ipod dies my Ipod that my wonderful all knowing husband got me for Christmas and I say this cause it is my second one. The first one is one of the first generations and like a brick and not durable at all. So this one he got me is HOT PINK and is awesome it is only loaded with Itunes music and well it ROCKS. IO don't know where I would be in my weight loss with out it. So it is dead and I am like uggh. So I am in the middle of doing my hip abductions and I am like ya know I wonder if these machines will work with my Ipod and charge it...cause nothing else does besides plugging it into the computer. None of the car things I have will charge it or my radios so I am really doubtful these machines will. My Ipod is just to new. SO I hop back onto the elliptical and plug it in. Ok so not only does the machine charge it but it saves my freaking workout to my Ipod so I can monitor what I am doing and come home and get on and track it all. OMG ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS. How cool is that. I mean really that is so neat. I have not been on nikeplus yet but I just was so happy it charged it and then I was able to control it from the machines touchscreen and then it saved my workout just unreal.
The other really good news it Jesse McCartney's How Do You Sleep is finally being released on April 7th so I can finally DL that after trying to forever. Plus Steve is pulling in to port soon and I am banking on seeing him on cam and man life just is great.
My friend Ricky told me today how my husband is a lucky man for having me and I wrote him back and just have to say it here to...That I am the lucky one. Steve sleeps in a hole with gas pipes all around him and apparently it has been so hot down there he isn't even able to sleep anymore just to give me and the kids this wonderful amazing lifestyle we have. It helps to that he enjoys it and likes to go to the different places and stuff but still. He is awesome and I AM THE LUCKY ONE!
That is so awesome about your weight! Sounds like things are going great in Cali! I wish Paul had some sort of job that we could live there and actually be able to afford to for a little bit.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work!
I totally understand what it's like to be the 'man' around the house. It's been that way growing up (divorced family) and then now dealing with Navy deployments as a Navy wife. I totally understand! Just look at it this way, it makes you that much stronger!
ReplyDeleteWhat's great is that both of you can feel like you are the lucky one, and that just makes each of you love each other even more!
ReplyDeleteSteve is lucky! You are the awesome wife, dont remind me of what is to come, i hate being the man of the house also! Im just hoping i dont have to that much!! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou are doing a great job, its lik eim in a rush for Mike to leave so i can start loosing weight!! HAHA Im such a loser! :) I love you and miss you Freckle Princess! :)
Love, Taliffany!